Friday, 23 November 2012

Drink Driving Laws Set to Change

In the UK drink driving is a growing problem, many people die on our roads each year as a result of drink driving. Last year around 280 people died on the road as a result of drink driving. The government have decided to make changes to the current drink drive laws in the UK.

At the moment if you are found over the limit but are still less than 50 micrograms in 100ml of breath you can legally demand that you have a blood or urine test. This is often abused to buy ‘sobering-up time’. 

This means that while the police have to wait for a doctor to get to the station to perform the test, people who are just over the limit will have sobered up by this time. This rule was put into place as the early breathalyser tests were not as accurate. With much advancement in technology this rule is no longer necessary.

Now the rules are set to change, you will no longer be able to demand a blood or urine test. The test you provide at the side of the road will now be used as the final decision.  

The government are planning to release a new super accurate breath test that will give an unmistakeable reading which will be used to arrest the driver on the spot and be used in court.

What do you think of these changes? Do you think it will help protect the UK’s road users?

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